Saturday, July 10, 2010

Need vs. Want

Do we get what we deserve? Do we deserve what we want? And who the hell gets to decide that!?

The nuances between need and want are pretty hard to distinguish sometimes, but at the end of the day it is all a matter of perspective. If we live in a meritocracy life may actually be a bit simpler. You get what you work for. However, that doesn't really mean that you get what you, or even worse you may not get what you want.

But in our soulless, consumeristic, corporate driven, disposable, pseudo-democratic society we don't necessarily get either.

You get what you are given, and you grow to like it. Either that or you wallow in the misery of knowing that no matter how what you do, things don't always get better.

So do we stop trying? Or do we scamper on hoping for the best?

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