Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Smile of the day

Nothing does a better job of brightening a cold, wet, bleak London day like walking by a store and seeing a sale sign for ‘‘Mr. Brain’s Pork Faggots.’’

I know that British English is its own beast, but come-on! Pork Faggots!? You are just asking to be mocked!

Granted apparently in this side of the pond, among other things, a faggot is a kind of meatball. But that just makes it funnier in my opinion. And you HAVE to love this headline, ''Family of faggot fans fly the flag.''

Anywho, call me immature, but it still made me giggle.

Have a good one.


photos taken from Wikipedia


Tony said...

*eye roll* faggots are yummy :-)

Ameet said...

Perhaps some "forgotten" British foods best remain forgotten.

Castle of Stink said...

Made me giggle, too, and long to be porked...

Manu said...

Mr Brain?? Ew!