Saturday, February 11, 2006

One of the most disturbing things to ever happen to me

(I'm still in Kerala, I fly back to Kolkata tomorrow, but this is was so upsetting that I had to find a net cafe to share with y'all now)

So my meeting ended and some of the other Fellows and I decided to head to Alappuzha and then make our way down to Kovalam to chill on the beach for 2 days before heading back to our respective work sites. It all seemed good until yesterday morning.

Before I continue I need to give you some background into my morning bathing habits. I suffer from pretty bad allergies and every morning I wake pretty congested. Sop while I shower I blow my nose and hack up as much mucous as I can to try and clear up some air passages so I don't suffocate.

Back to the story. So Friday morning I'm showering and I blow my nose as usual. After I blew I'm about to wash my hands in the running water when I look down and see something wiggling in my hand. Upon further inspection I see a worm!! A tiny, red, parasitic worm thing!! I scream, wrapped a towel around my waste and ran outside to show the peeps I was sharing a room with. They all agreed that indeed it was a worm, but that I should not worry too much, maybe it came from the water.


Trying not to cry, they help me put it in something to maybe show a doctor or something later so that I can go finish showering. I decided to wait to see if a second worm came out before going to see anyone. (none have come out yet) But I am convinced that I have a worm colony living in my lower right sinus cavity and that they are going to eat my brain while I sleep. :-(

I've been afraid of blowing my nose since, and everything my nose itches I'm convinced that it is the worms moving offices. :-(

So to all my friends out there (and this question goes out mostly to those of you who are medically inclined - Mother, Prasad!!) please tell me that either a) there are no such things as head worms or b) that head ones live alone and not in groups and since Franky (that's what I decided to call him) fell out I have nothing to worry about.

Why does shit like this happen to me!? I hate worms!! They are SO gross!!


Themadi said... I'm not medically inclinedd, but I would be mighty surprised if it was a worm-up-nose situation. Worms are slippery bastards, one minute they are there, next minute gone. Dastardly Franky!

Themadi said...

P.S. Mallu worms are especiallly slimy. And Dastardly. :)

Ameet said...

See a doc and take a worm-zapping pill just to be safe. Don't worry - you'll be fine :)

LCYD said...

This is why one does not leave the 1st world, but then again a quick google search gave me:

The sinus worm, Skrjabingylus spp. (Nematoda: Pseudaliidae), a common parasite of skunks in Kansas.

not that kansas is really the first world....