Monday, November 03, 2008


So I find myself in Kolkata for a few days for work. It has been over a year and a half since I was last here and my first time back in India since I left last year.

It has a vaguely surreal feel to it. My friends are still here and the city looks the same, but there is definitely a sense of time having passed.

Besides the constant comments on my weight gain (which I attribute to domestic bliss) the other questions are on way I am such a slacker on my blog.

I have so many intentions to be a better blogger. I actually have a list of things I want to blog about. It's the execution that gets me. I want to be able to capture the fleeting moments of my existence and immortalised them in some small way. Considering the unlikely hood of producing off-spring, this public diary of mine is the only way I can make my presence publicly felt.

As I sit here reminiscing of times past and musing on things to come I wonder how long it will take for me to be forgotten. But at least this little blog of mine serves to collect in some manner the randomness of my existence.


Anonymous said...

I want to see more blogging too. Any more plans to go back to India?

Anonymous said...

Andy! Why is rhum so strong in Madagascar? I've been french kissing lemurs, just for you.