Thursday, December 21, 2006

Comic Strips

For those of you who knew me as an adolescent, first of all I would like to apologize for that. My pupa phase was not the prettiest of things, but at least it resulted in the beautiful, flighty, fickle, unstable, charming butterfly I am today.

Secondly, you may recall what a ginormous comic book geek I was/am. Thanks to technological advances I can still keep track of my favorite mutants without having the embarrassment of being a 30 year buying comics (though sometimes I say their are for my nephew "He likes these things you know and I like to encourage reading"). But my comic habits manifest in starting each day with reading a select list of comic strips (online of course) once in while there comes one that really strikes me, calls out to me.

These are three that I had saved but couldn't be bothered to post until now.

I love people trying to surprise me, but can't stand the waiting for the surprise. From a kid to adulthood, I would always try to figure out what presents or whatever we were doing. One Christmas I even ruined a great gift from Ricky who tried ever so hard to keep it a secret. But in the end I think I learned to try to act surprise (I was still curious and would figure out what was going on - I just would try not to let the concerned party I knew :-) Surprise-on-demand). But this one really called out to me, because I think people expect me to be more conceited than I really am. And though I have my moments of W.H.A. when someones says I'm cute or something, for the most part my blushes are genuine :-)

I'm not entirely convinced society has progressed for the better. All The toys and entertainment mediums kids have take out all the fun, creativity, joy, and physical exertion of playing. What's the fucking point of that. Now we can't live without our iPods and Cell phones and our children are fat mindless drones. Yip

This one just made me laugh out loud :-D

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