Thursday, July 01, 2010

The cycles of life

It fascinates me how the older I get the more confused I seem to become. Every time I think I know what I want and where I am handed, something comes along to screw that up. Leaving me a confused and wounded mess, retreating into my shell and wondering what went wrong.

This seems to happen to me every few years. I think life throws me these little hiccups when I get to cocky...when I get too comfortable and settled. It's like the fates are trying to say, "this is not for you, so don't get used to it."

But the big question is, what DOES the future hold?

I wish there wasn't so much of a disconnect between what I want and what I get. I guess the old cliché - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger - holds, but shit at this rate I'll be stronger than the Hulk by the time this is all done.

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