Thursday, April 30, 2009

What is family for?

My baby sister got knocked up. Under normal circumstances I would be indifferent about this. Pregnancies have never excited me much. However, in this occasion I am fuming. Don't get me wrong she's not a teenager, she's a very respectable 21; and I used to think of her as the smart one among my four siblings. Yet, her remarkable lack of judgement and downright stupidity regarding procreation has definitely redefined my opinion of her.

I have no qualms with pre-marital sex or unwed mothers, but I do have issues with someone who is still living at home with her parents, that hasn't finish school, that doesn't have a job or a cent to her name thinking that she can raise a child. How does someone who has never had to struggle a day in her life, that doesn't know the meaning of sacrifice think that they can be responsible for someone else's life?

And to REALLY get my blood boiling: I asked her if she knew what kind of work I do, her reply "Something with AIDS right?" I asked her if she knew the prevalence of HIV and other STIs in Puerto Rico "I don't have to worry about that." Apparently she's immune. And why don't you use condoms or take the pill if you are fucking around I ask, "Because for 4 years I haven't gotten pregnant so didn't think I had to worry." Lord Fucking Help Me! If this conversation had been in person I think I would have slapped her.

So now, I am the bad guy for pointing out the bleeding obvious - her inability to raise a child when she can't take care of herself. Though I never actually told her she needed to abort the damn thing, I did everything in my power to indicate that it was the only choice she had. And she made it pointedly clear that she could not in good conscious "murder her unborn child". apparently she is too christian for an abortion, but not christian enough to keep her legs crossed. Go figure. Her master plan for taking care of herself and her baby - a healthy combination of parental support and welfare. Eye roll.

The hardest part for me in all this is that I will never be able to look at her in the same way again. That the one sibling I had that I thought could make something of herself was too stupid to protect herself/to plan ahead and too damn selfish to not burden others (because apparently her moral compass is OK with mooching from the rest of the family in order to deal with the problem).

At this point I actually have no interest in seeing her anytime soon or meeting the little bastard she's growing and that makes me really sad.


A Lewis said...

Oh boy. I swear, families are really a test of one's sanity many times in life. I couldn't agree with you more -- I wish that people had common sense enough to be able to plan for a well-thought-out life, taking care of children, earning an income, being responsible, and all of those other things that make the world a better place. All of my best as you guys get things sorted out.

james in washington said...

Oy. Clearly you care enormously. Sorry for the challenge to your relationship.

Tony said...

Shall I start knitting?

Nieves said...

love your sister