Saturday, April 11, 2009

Peeps About Town

So James and David told me of a contest in DC for Peeps Dioramas. That reminded me of the fact that I never entered (or posted) my Peeps pictures for the "Introducing the Peeps in Places Photo Challenge!".

Last weekend, Anthony and I took a family of Peeps out for a tour of London, with every intention of entering the contest; but being the lazy sods that we are, we never got around to it.

Alas, here are the results:


Tony said...

Lazy sods (plural)? Uhm, speak for yourself. I was the one who suggested going out to do it! And I reminded you to enter them :-(

dit said...

what a great idea. I had no idea Peeps were in Ol' London town. How was the concert? lol

Tony said...

There are no peeps in London .. these ones were especially imported from Long Beach, no less