Sunday, December 28, 2008

Back Blog: Mexico Trip - Random Images of DF

To finally put this line of entries to rest, I want to close with a few pictures of el Distrito Federal.

La Casa Azul de Frida Kahlo - it was a beautiful house inside but you couldn't take pictures
The courtyard of El Palacio Nacional - with amazing Diego Rivera murals
El Palacio de Bellas Artes - a truly stunning building. David and I watched the Ballet Folklórico de México

DF has some amazing outdoor art
Not sure what I was up to here, but I wanted a picture of me up :-)
Why is there a statue of Gandhi in Mexico?

David HAD to have his shoes shined

How anonimous is it if there is a big sign outside?

The flag waving proudly

I don't know what she was about, but thought she was so cool. You have to love eccentrics.

Mexico City vistas


Aaron said...

Wow, that Neurotics anonymous is a beautiful sign. Should have stolen it.

Anonymous said...

bueno amingo. your blog very good. dhonde paisa sinyorita mexican...can you upload on your blog !

beatpunk said...

¡Has pasado mucho tiempo en México! Y tu blog ahora parece el mío. ;)